Palmira Health Guarantee

Palmira Health Guarantee

Palmira Health Guarantee specifies that all puppies will be in good health and free from visible signs of infection and contagious or communicable diseases when purchased.


Within 7 days of Purchase

If your puppy is returned for any reason other than an accident, within 7 days of purchase, we will take the puppy back and refund 100% of the purchase price.


Lifetime Genetic Health Guarantee

If your puppy is diagnosed by a suitably qualified veterinarian as having a life threatening or seriously disabling defect, of certain congenital or genetic origin any time in its life, we will refund 100% of the purchase price or pay for treatment (up to the purchase price).  Treatment is to be conducted at a Veterinary clinic approved by us. We reserve the right to require a second opinion from a veterinarian of our choice at our expense. If the puppy is euthanized or in any way disposed of, without a second opinion from the seller’s veterinarian, the buyer waives all rights to a refund.

The most common genetic diseases in Labrador Retrievers are Elbow Dysplasia; Hip Dysplasia; and Retinal Dysplasia.


Hip and Elbow Dysplasia, although being hereditary diseases, are mainly impacted by environmental aspects. Because Hip and Elbow Dysplasia are 25% hereditary and 75% environmental a determination would be required from veterinarian advise as; diagnosed, serious case for coverage by the Palmira Health Guarantee. Further information is given within the puppy manual to assist with diet and growth of your puppy.


Note: This warranty is void in the event of an undetermined or inconclusive diagnosis. Diseases of likely environmental origin (likely to be caused by suboptimal diet, chemicals, or trauma) are not covered.


If your puppy dies and you request a refund, you must have a necropsy performed by a suitably qualified veterinarian at your expense to determine the cause of death. Your puppy will be refunded if the death was caused by a genetic problem or an illness which your puppy had at the time of purchase. For this reason, it is advisable to have your puppy checked by your own veterinarian within 72 hours of purchase.


Long Term Health

For the long-term health of your puppy, we recommend a balanced diet containing a combination of cooked and raw meat and vegetables and minimal exposure to food additives. It is recommended that your puppy is allowed to fully develop before carrying out de-sexing procedure, because this can significantly impact the growth of bone and muscle. De-sexing should not be done prior to 15 months of age. We also recommend minimising exposure to veterinary drugs (such as flea and heartworm treatments, vaccinations, and wormers) to the minimum dosage and frequency needed to safeguard your pet’s health.


Lifetime Rehoming Guarantee

Your puppy also has a lifetime rehoming guarantee with us, so should you have an inability to care for him or her in the future, you can contact us at any stage of your puppy’s life. Under no circumstances must your puppy ever be given up to a shelter.

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Dated: 23rd June, 2022 Signed: Penny Pestano, Palmira Healing Puppies