Trained Puppies

Labrador Retriever Breeder NSW

Trained Puppies

Palmira Trained Puppy

Taking home a new puppy can be extremely daunting for many people. If you had the opportunity to have ‘trained puppies’ would you consider this? Not a trained puppy at 8 weeks old. A puppy that has been given exceptional foundation training, so that when you do take your puppy home you are continuing with the training that has been set in place. Rather than starting from scratch on your own.

As a Breeder and Trainer, I have assisted many teams to create and build their connection. With some this was for the purpose of being an Assistance Dog Team, or Service Dog Team.

Seeing the resulting communication and strengthened bond between human and pup, is the sole reason I assist with training. There is nothing better than witnessing the smiles.

I initially travelled a journey with ‘Nelson’ and trained him from 13 weeks to 6 months of age. He moved on to his new home to support a family member with dementia. Training Nelson was a delight and urged me to duplicate the process and offer the same service to others that may see the benefit in obtaining a trained puppy.

Since Nelson went to his new home, we have carried out this same process, or a more specific process, with a number of other puppies. Each puppy was a delight to train. Joining each puppy with their new owner was heart warming, to say the least.

Training Levels

As an extension to our Palmira Puppy Program, we are happy to offer trained puppies, from our own litters. Harnessing the exceptional start in life our puppies have received, and giving puppy and owner their own choice of training level. 

I am working on varied levels of training, to ensure that all potential owners have the choice of how solid they would like the foundation training to be, and the varied activities they want their puppy to learn. 

From toilet trained to lead walking and public exposure or drop and stay. The age of the puppy when they go to their new home determines the level of training that is able to take place.

I realise this is not for everyone, nor do I want to train each and every one of our puppies past the usual age. It is not feasible. However, I am interested in training one or two puppies from each litter, to a predetermined level for a specific family and purpose.

If you would like to register your expression of interest for a trained puppy, please contact us and let us know. 

Trained Puppies Available Now

chocolate labrador puppy

Trained Puppies Available

Trained Gracie puppies were very successful in their pairings with new humans. 

All puppies from Frankie’s litter have now moved on to their new families.

They all became beautiful puppies and a delight to have around.

Boomer, who came back to us after an unsuccessful pairing, went to live near Coffs Harbour and is enjoying romps in the sea and surrounding lakes and loves playing with his new sibling.


Trained Puppies from our next litter can be discussed closer to the time when puppies are being planned.

Puppy progress can be viewed on our Facebook page, or Contact for more information