Labrador Retriever Black and White

Labrador Retriever Black and White
Labrador Retriever Black and White and all shades in between. The main colours of the Labrador Rainbow are Yellow (Gold) – Chocolate – Black. There are variations of White, Silver and Fox Red. Some variations of the main colours bring out contention and are not recognised by some Labrador Retriever associations. Choosing a colour for your Labrador is still a personal preference. Many owners are specific on the colours that they like and have.
When choosing your Labrador Retriever, colour is not the only aspect to consider before your decision is final. The personality of each Labrador Retriever varies greatly, although the general characteristics are inherent in all.
I have been lucky enough to care for all the colours of the Labrador Rainbow, noticing a consistent difference between them. For example, my chocolate Labradors are a great deal more curious and mischievous than the other colours; and my black Labradors love to be close, touching. Energy and drive are other aspects that are very different from one Labrador to another.
Palmira Breeding Girls have completed the DNA testing process. Part of the results confirm that we can offer the full range of Labrador Rainbow colours. Frankie is Chocolate Labrador; Gracie is White Labrador; Riley is Cream (Wheaton) Labrador; Shelby Black Labrador; and Elvis is Black Labrador.
DNA test results show that there is potential to have White through to Yellow; Chocolate and Black and a possibility of Red coming through from Shelby’s parentage, as well.
When needed we carefully choose outside Sires, ensuring that DNA and Hip and Elbow testing has been completed.
Labrador Retriever is usually a solid colour of Yellow, Black or Chocolate. However, it is also possible to have some white on a purebred Labrador. A black Labrador may have white markings on the chest, or on the face as they get older. The chocolate Labrador may have white markings on their paws. My two chocolate Labradors have the same white tuffs above their pads.